Welcome to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Kimberley.

The Lord, our God, is with us always.

Diocesean Mission Statement

The love of Christ impels us to welcome all, to worship joyfully and pray fervently, to walk together with those in need, and to reverence God in the wonder of Creation.

Upcoming Diocese Events

Latest sermon

Finding the Kingdom and Living by the King’s Wisdom

serving our savior

Meet Our Priests

Craig Groeschel


Following a vision God gave him and his wife Amy for a different kind of church, he and a handful of people launched.

Jerry Hurley

Senior Priest

Jerry is responsible for the team and cultural development at and helps shape the overall direction and leadership of the church

Samuel Wiley

Associate Pastor

Samuel is passionate about exploring new ideas and finding practical ways to leverage them for the global Church.

verse of the day

Children, this is the final hour; you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and now many Antichrists have already come; from this we know that it is the final hour. They have gone from among us, but they never really belonged to us; if they had belonged to us, they would have stayed with us. But this was to prove that not one of them belonged to us. But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and have all received knowledge. I have written to you not because you are ignorant of the truth, but because you are well aware of it, and because no lie can come from the truth.

goal image

Help Families Today with Critical Relief

On February 6, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastated large areas of central Turkey and northwest Syria. The death toll has surpassed 21,000 and continues to climb. The earthquake is the worst to strike Turkey this century. Later that day, the region experienced a second magnitude 7.7 quake.

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Prayer Request

During times of crisis, it is important that we stay connected with each other and share each other's burdens. Use this form to let us know of any prayer requests that are on your heart.